Fire Shift Calendar

by Deji Apps



Un app calendario per tenere traccia dei turni per vigili del fuoco, EMT e paramedici

ShiftsnThose who don’t work the typical 9-5 know how difficult it can be to track their schedule in a typical calendar.nnThis is where Fire Shift Calendar (FSC) comes in. Simply input your shift pattern, e.g. 24 hours on, 48 hours off, and it automatically populates for you. Even if your shift is a split/partial one like 8 or 12 hours, a full day, or multiple days, this calendar makes it easy to keep track of even the most complexed schedules.nnCertificationsnIn addition, you can store your certifications and their expiration dates in FSC so you never miss a renewal.nnBenefitsnDo you need to know how much vacation time you’ve earned? What about how much sick time you have left? FSC makes keeping track of your benefits a breeze because it does the work for you. Just set how often you accrue your benefits e.g. 1 hour per month and it will automatically accrue for you. nnIn addition to keeping track of your regularly accrued benefits, FSC also lets you track: n- trades/swaps n- exposures n- trainings n- overtime usage n- sick time usagen- comp time usage n- vacation usage, andn- has a miscellaneous area to track anything else.nnSyncnShifts and records are instantly synced across your IOS and android devices.nnWidgetsnFSC allows you to access your information right on your home screen. nnThis app is a must have for firefighters, police, emts, paramedics, nurses and other professionals with a repeating shift pattern.nnnnWebsite: policy: